

Evolium Technologies

Evolium Technologies has set itself the mission of extending the life of lithium-ion batteries, focusing initially on the micro-mobility sector.

Twin Pix

Twin Pix is a platform that connects the real world and the virtual world in an immersive visitor experience to increase the potential of tourism destinations.

Precise Health

Precise Health is a biotech startup aiming to revolutionize the treatment of bacterial infections by replacing broad-spectrum antibiotics with personalized bacteriophage technology - starting with inflammatory...


Embley is a Marketplace Automation Platform that combines the most advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Process Mining to strengthen a fast end-to-end business process automation with...


Veetamine offers an open and innovative IOT solution for vending and coffee service. Thanks to its single and non-invasive solution, Veetamine provides all stakeholders with a powerful, complete, unique,...


ProSeed is developing a technology that enables by-products from the agri-food industry to be recycled. It transforms malt residues from industrial beer production into sustainable, high-quality raw materials.


Med4Cast is an Artificial Intelligence-based diagnostic solution for specific medical fields, starting with orthopaedics.    With Idiap technologies


HealthMe aims to transcribe medical consultations and improve interaction between patient and doctor.    With Idiap technologies


Combining scientific medical evidence with computer vision technology, Allimb is developing an application that can support patients during home rehabilitation by correcting exercise movements in real...

Orio Therapeutics

Orio Therapeutics is developing an innovative technology that modifies therapeutic proteins to improve delivery through controlled localization for increased efficacy and reduced dose. Today, Orio Therapeutics...


AlphaOnco Swiss, the Swiss subsidiary of the French company Nanobactéries, is developing a cancer treatment consisting of minerals introduced into tumors. These are then heated by ultrasound. The...


Qaptis tackles climate change by capturing the CO2 at their source.


MobyFly will be at the forefront of 21st century mass transportation, designing and delivering fast, efficient, zero-emission hydrofoil boats that will change waterborne travel forever.


The ultimate goal of Emissium is to propose an application that would be available at home to track live CO2 emitted by each person. Whether it's by using light, taking a shower or cooking.


Celectis develops systems and solutions in the fields of fuel cells and green hydrogen production.


Emissium is an ecosystem of peers that join forces to provide real-time environmental impacts of the electricity grid. It contributes to grid decarbonisation by making the implementation of environmental...


Outopia supports the development of environmentally friendly outdoor tourism, where local professionals are the leaders, transmitting the values of this environment to those who aspire to discover it sustainably....

YONI Solutions

YONI Solutions is an healthcare company which aims at improving the results in vaginal microbiome analysis that are linked to the fertility of women, in order to increase the success rates of In Vitro...


Fishlab proposes a solution for monitoring fish flows allowing an inventory, in near-real time, of individuals and biomass, by species. The solution includes a box filming 24 hours a day, 365 days a year...


WattAnyWhere is developing an innovative solution for the production of BioEnergy (i.e., the production of electricity from biomass) without polluting emissions, without noise, which can be set up on site...


The start-up Mineral is developing a solid, natural toothpaste in tablet form, made in Switzerland without plastic packaging.


The main purpose of NovoCHizol as a company is to hold the intellectual property of NovochizolTM and to research, develop, commercialise, industrialise and industrially apply materials containing NovochizolTM...

JM Contactless

JM Contactless is developing and marketing a cashless payment solution for event organisers.

REM Analytics

REM Analytics offers a complete development service. From proof of concept to production-ready prototype. They develop new microbiome-based therapies for various health conditions, including new customized...


BrainCredible empowers every person and organization of the world to achieve more through neurotechnology. Our corporate vision is to provide means to accelerate the understanding of the human brain beyond...


Stratokit is a platform for the integration of various business software programs used in the construction market.


Edidact is developing innovative educational resources for use with the school curriculum for the French-speaking part of Switzerland. The technology used in these resources is based on gamification and...

Workshop 4.0

Robotic solutions, 3D modeling & creative engineering for events, industries, arts, B2B, B2C.


3D2Cut is a start-up that researches and develops assistance systems, particularly systems for vine pruning, using machine learning (AI).    With Idiap technologies

Institute of Sustainable Energy - HES-SO Valais

The Institute of Sustainable Energy brings together people from different schools of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis, thus merging technical, digital, economic and social skills. The activities of the...

EPFL Valais Wallis

With its 10 laboratories active in the key fields of energy, environment and health, 226 researchers, administrative and technical staff, 92 doctoral students, 43 nationalities, firmly integrated into...


GaDia develops innovative rapid diagnostic tests for hospitals mainly in the field of infectiology.


Urbio is a web platform that accelerates the transition of utilities to clean energy. We automate the design of new energy assets like solar or district heating with 90% time savings to better inform investment...


Vtuls fournit un service utilisant des capteurs de nouvelle génération pour surveiller les signes vitaux et autres signes de santé des patients, une plateforme de santé numérique...


VimaLink développe un système d’analyse automatique de « soft skills issus de CV vidéo ».


DynaBlue fait des capteurs de flux thermiques à haute température.


DePoly has developed a method of chemically recycling PET back into purified raw materials. DePoly saves about 7,000 litres of oil per tonne of PET produced, and reduces the energy required to produce...


Nivitec crée des solutions innovantes et personnalisées dans le domaine de la sécurité et du sauvetage par le biais de la technologie des drones.


Bed'n'Ride s'est donné pour mission de développer une solution technologique innovante pour les tours en VTT ou eVTT, qui permet à l'utilisateur de découvrir...


Pyrotech s’est donné pour mission de valoriser les déchets, en particulier le plastique. La solution que propose l'entreprise permet de transformer le plastique en diesel,...


Ceidos has developed a machine that automates the production of cell therapies, which are used in particular as a treatment for cancer.


ProKeyCoach est une entreprise active dans le coaching sportif, notamment dans le domaine du hockey sur glace. Elle développe différents produits et services s'y rapportant,...


SensàSion is developing a new rapid Point-of-Care (POC) device for bacteria detection. The device is based on very sensitive electrochemical detection of viable bacteria. The methodology can be...


H55 develops certified electric propulsion solutions to make air transport clean, safe, quiet, affordable and ultimately autonomous.    

GRZ Technologies

GRZ Technologies Ltd. is a company active in the field of renewable energy storage. Two products were released in 2017: a Hydrogen Compressor (HyCo) and an Advanced Gas Analysing System (AGAS). Both products...

PhytoSwiss Pharma

PhytoSwiss Pharma is a Swiss company developing AI-driven innovative evidence-based phytopharmaceuticals, phytosupplements and cosmetics.


Audiosearch uses automatic keyword detection to index and retrieve telephone conversations recorded on mobile phones or voice over IP.    With Idiap technologies

Valais Discovery

Plateforme web qui a pour objectif de regrouper, à un seul endroit, des hébergements (appartements, chalets) et des activités (ex : vol en parapente) proposés en Valais.


Développement d’une plateforme destinées aux athlètes de haut niveau afin d’améliorer leurs entraînements et personnaliser leur séances de préparation.

Fondation The Ark - Rue de l'Industrie 23 - 1950 Sion - Suisse | Réservation de salles