
Retour 14.11.2013

Diagnostics towards personalized medicine

Date: Thursday,14th of November 2013, from 8:45 to 13:45
Locality: BioArk in Monthey (map)


For a decade, we discuss the potential of personalized medicine, but the real clinical impact has been finally measured on a limited number of examples. However, the industry of Life Sciences is speeding up through major developments in a better understanding of diseases, together with more sophisticated or suitable technological diagnostic approaches to answer the needs of personalized medicine.

The Innovation Day 2013 wants to talk about issues related to the discovery of new biomarkers and their clinical relevance, to review some of the more applied academic research and the development of new measuring technologies. Speakers from the University of Applied Sciences of Sion, start-ups and companies will highlight innovation in the field and business opportunities.

Free entry but registration required until the 12th of November 2013.
The presentations will be held in English.




Accueil et café-croissant
Welcome and opening
- M. Fernand Mariétan, Président du Conseil Administration de BioArk SA, Monthey
- Dr. Sergio Schmidt, HES-SO Valais-Wallis & The Ark Foundation
SESSION 1 The critical role of diagnostics in personalized medicine
Promises and challenges of point-of-care (POC) Diagnostics
Dr. Marc Pfeifer, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, ITV, Sion
Towards Decision Support Applications
Prof. Dr. Michael Schumacher from IIG / HES-SO Valais-Wallis
Cancer-genetics guided biomarker discovery and validation
Dr. Ralph Schiess, Proteomedix, Zurich
Coffee break and poster session University of Applied Sciences of Sion (HES-SO Valais-Wallis)
SESSION 2 Roles of biomarkers in personalized medicine
Dr. Hiro Tanaka, Debiopharm, Lausanne
Dr. Hadi Abderrahim, Genetic Biomarkers, BioArk, Monthey
Clinical bioinformatics: a key challenge in precision medicine that requires multi-disciplinary experience
Dr. Jérôme Wojcik, Quartz Bio, Geneva
Remise du Prix de la Fondation Liechti
Conclusion, M. Massimo Nobile, The Ark Foundation
13h10 Networking and lunch
Poster-session University of Applied Sciences of Sion
(HES-SO Valais-Wallis)


























Event The Ark

Liste des participants

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Fondation The Ark - Rue de l'Industrie 23 - 1950 Sion - Suisse | Réservation de salles