
Zurück 11.05.2010

Literacy courses in biotechnology and biology: Basel, Rolle, Zurich

  • Are you a non-biologist faced with complex information in life sciences ?
  • Are you interested in rapidly filling your knowledge gaps in specific biotech subjects?
  • Would you benefit from becoming literate in modern biology in just two days?


    If the answer is yes, our courses are exactly what you need.

    After 3 years of successfully offering Molecular Biology for non-Biologists, a general introductory course aimed at busy professionals of all venues, we are expanding our trainings to better serve your needs:

1. THE PROMISES OF BIOTECHNOLOGY: A ONE DAY EXECUTIVE REVIEW (for very busy managers, investors, lawyers, etc. that are interested in mega-trends)


3. GENERAL BIOTECH 2 DAY COURSE: next session: Zurich: October 14-15

4. BIO(TECHNO)LOGY LITERACY DAYS. A modular course offering, made of 20 different one day modules that you can assemble as you wish: foundations of drug development, individualized medicine, diagnostics, biology of cancer, biology of nutrition, biology of aging, green biotechnology, etc.

New location in Basel: May 27-28, June 24-25, September 9-10
Rolle: June 7-8
Zurich: October 14-15
Special session in French (Rolle): June 10-11

For detailed information and registration : www.loroch.ch/molbio/

Vanya Loroch, Ph D
Communication and training in life sciences
Tel +41 21 826 14 74

Fondation The Ark - Rue de l'Industrie 23 - 1950 Sion - Suisse | Réservation de salles