
Back 20.10.2009

Euresearch Workshop: Writing WELL

Writing Skills Workshop, Tuesday 27 October, Bern

Writing may be elementary, but writing WELL can change your life! This course will focus on how to improve the text you produce, in particular for FP7 funding applications. We are fortunate to have Prof. Otto Kruse (Dr. phil. habil., Dipl.-Psych.) as the main presenter.

The course will be limited to 12 places to assure maximum benefit for the participants. In order for the lessons learnt on the course to be of most use, ALL participants are expected to be either currently applying for FP7 funding or intending to do so within the next 6 months.

Course mission: 
To increase participants success in FP7 by understanding what matters when making proposals and how to write better applications.

Course objectives:
Participants will obtain from this course:
+ Some basic principles of writing
+ Practical experience in proposal writing
+ An understanding of the value of feedback

Course programme:
08.45 Welcome Coffee
09.15 Round of introductions (Vorstellungsrunde)
09.30 Logic of the course – Wirth
09.45 Exercise 1: Writing process – Kruse

10.15 Quick break
10.30 Logic of a research proposal – Kruse
11.50 Quick break
12.00 Lunch buffet and networking opportunity
13.00 Exercise 2: Describe yourself - Kruse
14.30 Quick break
14.45 Exercise 3: Relevance & Vision - Kruse
16.15 Quick break
16.30 Wrap-up – Kruse/Wirth
17.00 Course end

For information:
This course is a complement to the other courses organised by Euresearch such as our courses presented by Sean McCarthy (e.g. How to Write a Convincing FP7 Proposal) that focus on the content of the application rather than the art of good writing.

Register here or by email to Julian Randall.

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