
Digital transformation for businesses

Today, digitalization is a key factor in boosting business productivity and competitiveness. Thanks to a program launched at the end of 2023, The Ark Foundation is supporting the digital transformation of companies in Valais by offering them support of up to CHF 4,900, in collaboration with IT companies in the canton of Valais.


Why digitalize my SME? 

Integrating digital solutions represents a real opportunity to improve your company's productivity. These solutions offer a reliable way to better manage certain actions, and free up time to carry out certain tasks. This allows companies to focus more on their core business.


What is the program?

The Ark Foundation's program for digitalizing businesses helps companies to :
- formalize and define their exact needs;
- identify the right implementation partner (if they haven't already);
- embark on a digitization project with financial support of CHF 4900.-.


Who is it for? 

This acceleration program is open to all companies in the Valais region, whatever their field of activity or size. To be eligible, SMEs must be motivated by the idea of making better use of digitalization, whether in their internal organization, their processes or their management system.


What support is available? 

Financial assistance of CHF 4,900 is available to companies embarking on a concrete project. Thanks to this program, the company can also count on analysis and support from specialists.
Support is focused on improving processes and business growth. 

For example:
- Supporting companies in their transition to an integrated ERP system. This type of software goes beyond simple accounting to integrate all of an SME's operational processes in a coherent way. 
- Another example of an application supported by the program is the implementation of automated digital dashboards to better manage all SME processes. 
- Create a transport management and planning software application for a company 
- Setting up a customer relations system (CRM), to better track customer orders and activities.
- Etc.

Of course, our network of specialists will be happy to discuss and potentially implement any ideas you may have for boosting SME productivity.


How can I get in touch? 

Interested SMEs in Valais, whatever their field of activity, can get in touch with The Ark to discuss their project and the opportunities that digitalization offers to boost their productivity. 
Valais-based companies specializing in IT can also offer their digital solutions for SMEs.


Contact: Bertrand Fournier | Project Manager | +41 58 332 21 20 | email10511010211164116104101971141074699104



Fondation The Ark - Rue de l'Industrie 23 - 1950 Sion - Suisse | Réservation de salles