

Electric Appliances Rather than Polluting Engines for our Vineyards


To develop, test and market an electrically-operated spray and track for the treatment of vines.


ValNaturePro Association, Chappot SA, Karl Osen Sàrl, HES-SO Valais (ISI), The Ark Foundation

In December 2010, the ValNaturePro association presented a project entitled "Nouvelles énergies et appareils électriques dans le vignoble" ("New Energies and Electric Appliances for Vineyards") to the Federal Office for Agriculture. The aim was to replace fuel-powered engines with electric ones in order to improve energy efficiency, reduce sound nuisance and limit emissions causing harm to people's health and the environment.

The output of electric engines is 3.5 times superior to fuel-powered engines. With this project, 300 hectares of vines should be treated using electric appliances, with yearly savings amounting to 200 tonnes of fuel, or 630 tonnes of CO2 emissions. This project, backed by The Ark Foundation, was approved by the Federal Office for Agriculture in December 2011.

Based on this, ValNaturePro, with the aid of The Ark, approached HES-SO. In collaboration with Chappot SA in Charrat, the school manufactured an electric spray prototype. The objective was to demonstrate sufficient vine treatment quality. Additional tests were carried out, with the option to operate a spray with a standard electric turbine. The laboratory tests were conclusive.


Project Contents

The Ark's project, launched in late 2012, aims to go beyond feasibility studies through the production of three full and functional electric spray prototypes. They will be tested and approved by ValNaturePro before being produced and marketed by one or several companies in the Valais canton.
The project's second objective is to manufacture a full and functional electric track able to satisfy wine-growing needs. As for the electric spray, this prototype will be tested and approved by ValNaturePro, before being produced and marketed by an SME of the Valais canton.


Practical Results

This project, which is still ongoing, is a good showcase for the skills and innovation available in the Valais canton. It allows the acquisition of new skills, the development of new products and the diversification of the local economy. Generally, it gives out an image of an environmentally friendly, pioneering viticulture. Lastly, this project is also linked to other innovative fields and initiatives, such as in the fields of batteries and electronics.


For more information, watch our video

Fondation The Ark - Rue de l'Industrie 23 - 1950 Sion - Suisse | Réservation de salles